Mike Carbone
Full-Stack Web Developer
Developer who loves JavaScript, Python and almost anything tech. Let's build something!
Featured Technical Projects
Created a multi-purpose service that tracks child bus attendance, bus location, savable routes, and several other features. Utilized a RaspberryPi running Python scripts, communicating with Node Express/MongoDB back-end. Developed front-end using React.
Developed a citation generator, featuring auto-citing websites and a book search. Supports multiple citation formats and is fully responsive.
Created a headless progressive single page application using React. Wrote and connected web scraping API using Apify, registered a service worker to enable offline functionality.
Slack Rebuild
Utilized React to reverse engineer Slack. Built to be a single page application, managed state of multiple components and passed data up and down between components.
The Daily Spoon
Developed an online recipe book using a PHP, mySQL backend. Integrated CSS preprocessor SASS and includes fully functional search bar with dynamic recipe sorting.
Coloring Book
Built an online coloring book using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A project for special topic course Workflow Optimization Techniques, we utilized task-runner Gulp, BASH scripts, and Node to optimize the development of the project.
Work Experience
Front-End Developer
- Impact Six
- Utilized Laravel for PHP to build out different web apps for clients
- Learned and used BEM methodology and CSS preprocessor SASS
- Used Github feature branching when developing changes
- Integrated dependency manager Yarn
- Communicated and worked directly with clients to build their static sites
Vice President
- DUXR Club
- Oversaw weekly meetings regarding virtual reality, augmented reality, and other immersive tech
- Led the transition efforts to replace four exiting club officers in Spring 2018
- Created and oversaw the development of social media accounts for the club
- Increased membership by over 100 registered students in Fall 2018
- Coordinated several co-sponsored events with other organizations on campus
Student Volunteer
- Worked to assist thousands of guests and make the conference as enjoyable as possible for them
- Communicated with team leaders any problems arising during the event